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Energy Kinetics 90+ Resolute

90+ Resolute Boilers

Save Up to 40% Off Your Heating Bills With A New 90+ Resolute Boiler

PFO Heating & Air Conditioning proudly partners with a variety of manufacturers to deliver the quality products our customers expect and deserve. The boiler systems designed and manufactured by Energy Kinetics offer optimal performance and comfort, along with exceptional energy savings for residential customers.

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Top Performing Boiler Heating System

UP to 91% AFUE
Higher Efficiency
Fuel Types: Oil, Natural Gas, Propane
Residential Use

  • Whisper Quiet
  • Endless Hot Showers
  • Proudly Made in USA
  • Industry-leading efficiency
  • Exceptionally clean burning
  • Easily piped to multiple zones
  • Multi-fuel (easy to convert from oil to natural gas or propane)
  • 5 zone control, upgrade to 12 zones including hot water
  • ASME certified construction
  • Outside combustion air connection
  • Cuts up to 40% or more off the home heating bills
  • Gas protection alarm included with every gas systems

Why Choose An Energy Kinetics 90+ Resolute Boiler?

Through innovative design, commitment to quality, and the use of domestically-sourced materials to create products made entirely in the USA, this family-owned company has created superior heating and hot water boiler systems for over 35 years, a long tradition of excellence that PFO Heating & Air Conditioning is pleased to be a part of. Energy Kinetics products consistently deliver up to 30 years of reliable performance and they’re designed to cut energy costs by up to 40% (or more) when compared to competitive boilers with similar AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) ratings.

The 90+ Resolute model, ideal for typical or large home sizes, is no exception. Whether your home features fin-tube baseboards, cast iron radiators, air handlers, and/or unit heaters, this boiler will deliver the outstanding performance you need to ensure a comfortable home interior, paired with optimal efficiency that will significantly improve home heating costs. When you team up with the professionals at an authorized dealer like PFO Heating & Air Conditioning, you’ll enjoy the benefits of your Energy Kinetics 90+ Resolute boiler system for decades. For more information, download our free product guide.

Download Our Free Energy Kinetics Product Guide

Optimal Performance

When you’re seeking a boiler system designed to perform on command, the 90+ Resolute model provides the convenient practical solutions you need. In addition to nearly unlimited hot water, this boiler system features five-zone control that can easily be upgraded to include up to twelve zones, including hot water, and heat is easily piped to multiple zones.

An outside combustion air connection reduces energy waste, speeds heating, and eliminates issues like air being drawn into the system from your warm home interior. You’ll also enjoy whisper quiet performance that eliminates the many noises inherent to other boilers, and the gas protection alarm will inform you when levels of combustible gas or carbon monoxide reach unsafe levels, potentially posing health and safety risks.

Choosing high-quality Energy Kinetics products is a great place to start when you want to ensure a comfortable home environment, but you’ll also want to partner with reliable authorized professionals like the team at PFO Heating & Air Conditioning for expert installation and maintenance services.

Exceptional Efficiency

The Energy Kinetics 90+ Resolute system delivers industry-leading efficiency with an AFUE rating of up to 91%. Ideal for residential usage, this boiler offers nearly unlimited hot water and works with natural gas, oil, or propane fuel types with easy conversion potential, making it extremely versatile. It’s also clean burning so you can cut your carbon footprint on every front, and like all Energy Kinetics products, it exceeds strict ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) standards for certified construction.

This design has been cited as the top performing system in a study conducted by the Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Labs that reviewed boilers from around the world. Delivering outstanding peak and annual efficiency levels, the 90+ Resolute system not only offers exceptional performance, but also significant savings on heating your home. In addition, this non-condensing boiler can sidewall vent or vent through your existing chimney to save you the cost of an expensive stainless steel liner.

Performance, efficiency, and endurance are prime concerns when it comes to choosing a suitable home boiler system, and the 90+ Resolute model from Energy Kinetics surpasses competitors on every score, especially when installed and maintained by an authorized dealer like PFO Heating & Air Conditioning.

Learn About Other Energy Kinetics Heating Systems

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