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PFO heating oil delivery truck

Heating Oil Delivery by PFO: Fast, Reliable and Trusted

We deliver to your town, day or night!

Since 1942, PFO has been faithfully delivering heating oil to residences and businesses throughout Mercer County, New Jersey and surrounding areas, keeping our customers warm and comfortable in the Winter.

Whether you opt to have your fuel oil delivered automatically or prefer to manage your own delivery scheduling, PFO is there to help.  We offer a dedicated team that you can always rely on for responsive service whenever you need it.

PFO Heating & Air Conditioning Delivers Heating Oil to Over 3,200 Homes and Businesses in NJ & PA.

Traditional Full Service & Automatic Delivery Options

Heating Oil Budget Plans

Our budget option allows the customer to spread their yearly heating costs over an 11 month period. We calculate your monthly budget amount by establishing what we feel a fair average price for the coming winter estimating your fuel consumption for the year. Oil will be delivered automatically and billed to your budget account.

Oil Pre-Buy Plans

Our Pre-buy plan offers our automatic delivery customers the option to pre-purchase all of their fuel for the upcoming heating season. Pre-buy pricing protects you from unexpected rises in price. With our Pre-buy option, you make a single upfront payment for the gallons you are purchasing for the year which will be stored until all of your gallons are delivered to you. The minimum amount of oil we will store for each individual Pre-buy customer is 300 gallons. You would choose this option if you feel fuel oil prices will rise rather than fall during your contracted time period.

Price Cap Protection Plan

Our Cap protection plan puts a cap on your heating oil price that guarantees not to exceed the contracted cap price. The cap plan protects our automatic delivery customers from price spikes, but still gives you the benefit of any price drops in heating oil prices. If the market price ever exceeds your contracted cap price, the cap plan will ensure that the highest price you pay is your contracted cap price. Customers on this plan will be placed on our 11 month budget and will be charged a small fee to enter into this contract.

Do You Prefer To Manage Your Own Heating Oil Deliveries?

PFO Offers Online Ordering, 24/7, For Our Discount Customers New and Old

At PFO we have Heating Oil pricing that fits every budget and level of service that our customers are looking to acquire. Simply click the button below and you will be directed to our Discount Heating Oil web site. Registration is simple, fast and easy. Follow the prompts and you will have your next order of heating oil delivered before you know it. Once you are registered with our PFO discount site you will be able to place future online orders from you mobile device, tablet etc…. In just four simple clicks. Enjoy!



Heating oil is safe and non-explosive. Unlike natural gas or propane, heating oil will not ignite until its temperature reaches 140 degrees. If you dropped a lit match in heating oil the match will extinguish on contact.


Oil heating systems have a longer life span than their gas counterparts. Average life spans of oil heaters is 30+ years if they are properly maintained. Conversely, natural gas furnaces only have life spans of 11 to 14 years.


You are in total control when heating your home with fuel oil. Unlike natural gas which gives you limited choices when picking your provider. There are many choices when it comes to heating oil providers, allowing you to choose the company with the best service, pricing and options.

Heating System Servicing

In addition to oil delivery, PFO Heating & Air Conditioning also services your oil fired heating systems. We service all types of heaters including;

  • Furnaces
  • Boilers
  • Hydronic Heaters
  • Heat Pumps
  • Geo Thermal Systems

PFO’s 24/7 on-call service gives our customers peace of mind knowing that they never have to wait until morning in the event of no-heat emergencies. Our expert, trusted service repairmen will arrive quickly to your home and they are all expertly trained on oil heating systems.

Learn More About PFO’s Heating System Services
oil furnace tuneup repairman

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